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Creative Common Sense
Thoughts on creativity
How to get the best out of this course
From inspiration to idea
Inspiration around
Inspiration inside
Copy vs inspiration
Originality vs authenticity
Imitation, recreation, innovation
Cultivate new and better ideas
Idea preserving
Making creative decisions
How even and some science
Fear of choosing wrong
Choosing the right idea
Finding focus
Choosing the right platform
Prioritising (chicken or egg?)
Overcoming creative challenges
Identifying your creative challenges
Finding your creative why
Done is better then perfect and how perfect is perfect enough?
Feeling like you are not good enough and don't deserve this anyway
Feeling like it won't matter anyway and someone did it before and better
Feeling like you will mess up and fail
Creating for life
Creative habits
Creative commitments
How good is good enough
Setting up boundaries
Being creative on demand
Creative productivity/ productive creativity
Making space for creativity
When you don't have money/resources/ support
Making ideas reality step by step
Creative process
Define the problem
Setting the goals and expectations
Developing the concept
What do you need to make it happen
How to make it happen
Imitation, recreation, innovation
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